Martha Angelone
Martha’s passion is roping. Having competed in barrels, team roping, breakaway, cutting, goat tying and more throughout high school and college, she realized that roping was her true calling. Her talent and dedication to the sport are shining through her success. She has won the WPRA World Champion Breakaway Roping, WRWC All-Around World Champion, Texas Circuit Finals, NFR Open and other titles at various rodeos nation wide.
When she’s not going to jack pots or rodeos, Martha can be found teaching her craft. She enjoys helping women of all ages fine tune their roping skills and hosts clinics throughout the year.

Zoe Woodland
Zoe has spent her entire life riding horses. She has trained and shown extensively in Western Pleasure and Horsemanship, Hunter Under Saddle and Equitation, Hunter Jumper Over Fences, Speed Classes (barrels and poles) and more.
Her personal passion is riding and showing cutting horses. She has won three All American Quarter Horse Congress Championships as well as many state, area and national awards riding cutting horses.
Zoe enjoys working with amateurs and children and has a knack for teaching in a way that is easy to understand. She coaches all types of riders from competitors to hobbyist and can be found at a wide variety of shows throughout the year.
Hear it first hand
Zoe talks about her success with Texas Haynet products both at home and on the road.